Few years ago, newspapers Internet edition had to give up collecting money from their subscriptions. Now, they need collect all the money from advertisement. Search El País, El Mundo and Ideal and describe how are they including publicity in their sites, describe too their strong and weak points, and describe how they can improve without losing their readers.
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TASK 1 Elena Hernández Sánchez
Remedios Moreno Molina
-> En la página principal aparece publicidad en la parte superior y en el borde derecho, usa imágenes de animaciones para captar la atención de los lectores. En esta página aparece toda la información resumida. También aparece comentarios de personas en los que dan su opinión sobre algún tema en concreto.
->Cuando accedemos a las páginas secundarias la información aparece directamente, sin publicidad intermedia. En estas páginas la publicidad esta en la parte superior .
->En este periódico también podemos dar nuestra opinión al igual que en EL IDEAL.
->En este medio de información la publicidad aparece en la parte superior y en el borde derecho de todas las páginas, sea cual sea el tema de la noticia.
->Los anuncios aparecen con imágenes y animaciones por lo que es muy fácil llamar la atención de los usuarios.
->Aparece la publicidad arriba y en la derecha de la página principal.
->Para acceder a una noticia en las páginas segundarias se muestra publicidad en toda la página, a continuación sale lo que verdaderamente queríamos ver. Con esta táctica vemos sin poder evitarlo la publicidad.
->Los temas más frecuentados por los usuarios son los que contienen la publicidad.
->Cuando accedemos a uno de los enunciados publicitarios de cualquier página nos permite registrarnos para comprar el producto anunciado.
->En la zona de deportes aparece publicidad de perfumes en toda la parte derecha de la página, llama la atención haciendo que nos fijemos en ella aun sin quererlo.
->En la zona de estudiantes se nos muestra fotos de una mujer llamativa que hace que los jóvenes se fijen en ella.
->En la primera página sin pinchar en nada directamente nos aparece publicidad para comprar bolsos.
->En la página de deportes se muestra cantidad de publicidad para comprar coches.
->En la página principal hay anuncios de joyas, las que se pueden adquirir en esta misma página que nos obliga a registrarnos.
->Se muestran en estas páginas grandes fotografías y animaciones que atraen la atención de los usuarios.
->Los productos que anuncian aparecen junto a fotografías y también se muestra al precio del producto.
1- Facilidad para vender estos productos ya que Internet es muy utilizado por la mayoría de las personas.
2- Los usuarios tienen mucha facilidad para informarse sobre los productos ofrecidos en las páginas.
3- Compra rápida a través de Internet.
4- Gran variedad de productos para elegir.
1- Pueden causar molestias a los usuarios que realmente quieran leer las noticias ofrecidas por cada periódico.
2- Pueden causar un fraude o mentiras de los productos.
3- Los productos adquiridos de esta manera solo los podemos ver, no los podemos probar.
4- Algunos pueden ser dañinos para el sistema informático, se puede tratar de un virus.
• No accediendo a estas páginas.
• No fiarte de los productos anunciados.
• No adquirir estos productos.
• No dejarnos llevar por los anuncios que intentan llamar la atención.
Written by: Laura Cañadas Muñoz and Rosa Blánquez Bujaldón.
A) Describe how the papers include publicity in their sites.
The newspapers El Mundo and El ideal begin with an advertisement which appears before. Once we are in, we can observe both newspapers and a short and large advertisement, which can be dynamic or static.
Also we can observe that there are advertisements on the right along the page.
However, finally El Ideal ends without another ad although El Mundo finishes with one.
The newspaper El País is a little different, it begins with a large, short and dynamic advertisement, and when we go from one page to the other, there is an advertisement on the right and also to finish.
B) Decide strong and weak points.
First, we look at the advertisement because it is so strong that it seems to blind us. However, when advertisement is static we don´t look it, we pass it.
Second, we look at the weak advertisements that appear on the top or the inside of the page because people can reject them as readers automatically pass them because they know where find them; this is a mistake which is committed by them three newspapers.
One of weaker points of the newspapers El Mundo and Ideal is when we enter a big advertisement appears before. This can be negative because it is a little boring and people can reject it, and the two newspapers can lose a few readers when they visit it.
C) How to make the advertisement better.
First the strategy must be to introduce publicity in newspapers that is interesting or amusing to readers but that don´t bore them.
In our opinion, an idea would be to register readers in the newspapers, who must answer some private questions to have an idea of what the person is like so that a person can have publicity which he wants. For example, some one that likes cars in the moment that he enters in the newspaper advertisements with something related with it will appear to him. This is a good strategy and they give you what you want to see (as The Washington Post works).
Also they can improve by using only one advertisement big enough on the right hand side of the page and to leave the rest of the page free.
Another strategy to improve would be to put interesting links on the inside of the page, so if some one wants to enter in this link he can look at it.
1º Echar un vistazo y describe como incluyen la publicidad en estos tres periodicos:
Upon opening the publicity appears for five seconds and after this publicity appears at the top of the page . It also appears at the right hand side until the end.
When you click on the news article , advertisement appears for a few seconds and then article appears another again.
The publicity appears as a changing image at the top of the page and it also appears at the right hand side.It also appears in the center of the page.
Upon opening the publicity appears for a few seconds and then it appears at the top of the page.Unlike in El Mundo the ad doesn´t appear when you click on the news article.
2º Decide los puntos fuertes y debiles de cada uno de los periodicos.
- Ad appears immediately.
- The placement of the ad makes it necessary to look at.
- Comments of people at the end of the page make the people go to the end.
- The ad appears in the middle of the page and is inevitabely read.
- The last news we can see at the end of the page so you go to see the ad at the bottom, too.
- When you enter in the news the ad invade all the page.
- In the banner we can acces to the google. This page is very use.
- It isn´t incluyed the ad to the end of the page.
- The new also appears at the right hand side.
- The advertisements don´t always appears when you enter to the news.
- The ad that appears in the barnner is of own newspaper and the people raisin to the read.
- Put the ad on the top, thougt this ad change Duch a one moment that we pass this ad.
This newspapers can to go bored.
This newspapers too con to go bored. This page are sad.
Here we have that register to into in the new and how this is inusual the people don´t like.
3º Mejoras en la publicidad de las paginas.
- To leave the part of above and sailing by the one of down fixed.
- In the importance news of not putting interlaced pages.
- To put the news, commentaries, in the superior part and around different announcements.
- To use the time, the eleven, national lottery to go including the publicity in forms of games for example.
- To put the publicity of unexpected, that invades the news to you.
- To put in but publicity between the very abusive or heavy news but without being.
- To put from time to time the news in the superior part therefore people tenderia to watch. (to put in them)
- Not to have to register itself.
1.PAIS:The pais includes advertising at the top right and botton of the page.
The pais never include advertising when we want to know something more of the news.
2.MUNDO:One of the more publicity that has newspapers.
It is open the newspaper and the first that appears is advertising,after adversiting appears in the top right.
In the Mundo always include advertising when we know about a story and that the readers were fatigue.It is heavy.
3.IDEAL:Advertising tat more at the top.
In the newspaper ideal, when we puts us in betwen advertising read a story.
Others were we find publicity and it isn´t so its advertising is random.
1.PAIS:We don´t found publicity between this isn´t the news, when we read, it is very important so well the reader waiting.
Since the reader doesn´t wait
2.MUNDO:This one has the very well constructed information, for what his readers her can read mas easily and his announcements
to go out on complete screen, for what they cannot avoid read it .
3.IDEAL:One of his strong points is that on having got in a this news it appears directly and his announcements appear in the margins,
this allows to the reader to go directly to in what he is interested.
1.PAIS:The pais inserts advertisement up and down of the page and the reader never arrive down of the page.
2.MUNDO:It is heavy. The mundo insert publicity between the news.
3.IDEAL:When we pass the mouse for upstairs of one news of publicity. It is extends interrumping the reader.
Written by Juani Almagro and Cristina López
1. Description of how El mundo, Ideal y El país include the publicity in their sites.
In occasions, for to read the page of the newspapers Ideal appears one advertisement during few seconds. This ads take up all the screen.
When we agree to the main page, there are banners on the top. It has got statics publicity on the right but it doesn’t reach to the end of the page.
After picking a new follows the publicity above, on the right. Besides if we put the mousse near of the advertisement it’s bigger.
The next newspaper to describe is El mundo that it’s like Ideal except the publicity on the right of the chief page which go on as the last. Also El mundo has statics publicity down.
El país is the last. It’s similar to Ideal and El mundo although there isn’t publicity before agreeing to main page. Neither El país has banners or publicity to the end of his page.
2. Strong and weak points.
Strong points:
-The three newspapers contain very publicity. It’s a reason by which we are going away to entertain.
-Quality in the exhibition of the information.
-The publicity between the main page and a peculiar new.
-The ad that is bigger when you put the mouse over this, get the reader attention.
Weak points:
-With the publicity, we take a long time in reading the news.
-Like the advertisements are in the same place when we read the newspapers, we won’t see in this spot.
-We lose the time. While we try reading news, an ad appears on all the screen.
3. How can we improve.
-We would change the place in which the publicity appears always.
-To suppress the publicity between pages when we want to read a news.
-To use less publicity. Something likes The New York Times.
-One form of make that the reader sees the ad is putting commentary near it.
If we look at the top of the newspaper will find a variety of features that allow us to search for information. As for advertising, on top of it, is characterized by the movement that makes it more attractive, as well as the right side, although in this case is smaller and without movement; This form of advertising is ignored.
If we refer to the news,we will get information clicking on the title and so more detailed information clicking on the subtitle also appear comments. Once read the news can be seen on the right side of this story, read and comment on the most important and innovative and able to comment on it, great important feature of the newspaper.
And finally, like all newspapers, has a basic vocabulary and range of readers.
When you open the page, appears an announcement movement for which we "forcing"to see your advert so that he pays attention to the product or service , and thus able interested in what is advertised, this is a very good way to publicize because we see it , like it or not ,provided they comply with anyb noticial.The same way as in the ideal ,at the top of this newspapers also appears variety of sections of which you can access. This newspapers is charecterized by the multitude of images . A feature important thing to emphasize is them some insignificant arrows clicking have more information about them , that course they are barely visible.
Advertising not only appers at the top of the opening page but also appears at the top of the opening page but also appears to the right along whith the news of less importance , with fewer arguments and without pictures.
Tha advertising of this periodic also contained in the top and movement with most important but the advertising appear more dynamic and size,and other side of this is news without moving and child content.Sections of periodic appear as the other periodic also in the top to click on making them accedes to them. Under always one of these contained in international news on but the news of periodic this is mixed with a few other ;(news sport with the policy).Images used only for news of great importance to clicking your have information.The characterized of periodic of this is to appear in this notice of different products worldwide facility search for what want buy what you wish.
By: Paula Olea Onieva y Mª José Bujaldón Martínez
task number:1
1º Echa un vistazo y describe como incluyen la publicidad.
En este periódico podemos observar la estructura de su publicidad comenzando en la parte inferior donde hay una publicidad sin movimiento.
A continuación observamos más publicidad al comienzo de la página, a la derecha y en el centro. Aquí la publicad llama más la atención ya que se encuentra en movimiento.
En éste periódico la publicidad aparece de la siguiente forma:
Al comienzo de la apertura de la página nos aparece de forma antepuesta la publicidad que obligatoriamente no podemos evitar y nos dará paso para abrir el periódico.
Una vez que estamos en la página principal, la publicidad se encuentra en la parte superior, inferior y mayormente en el lateral derecho.
La publicidad es imprevista en muchas ocasiones. Es un periódico en el que aperece bastante publicidad, es más, al pasar el ratón invade la página.
Aquí la publicidad es diferente, la cual no aparece colocada en una parte concreta sino que va acompañado a la noticia de forma estricta. La publicidad apenas tiene presencia.
Aquí la publicidad no tiene ningún tipo de destacación, pues apenas aparece. Esta puede llegar a pasar desapercibida debido a que solo aparece en el lateral derecho.
La podemos encontrar en el lateral derecho y en el izquierdo, y en el centro y al final. La publicidad central aparece pero desaparece dando paso a las anteriores noticias.
2º Decide los puntos fuertes y débiles de cada uno.
Puntos fuertes:
Adoptamos como puntos fuertes la excesiva o escasez de publicidad. La excesiva publicidad la podemos observar generalmente en los periódicos españoles, donde nos saturan continuamente con anuncios por ejemplo en la apertura de la pág. principal o en los diferentes apartados de la pág. En los otros periódicos esta saturación de publicad es mucho menor, de tal manera que apenas se aprecia.
Puntos débiles:
Globalmente, los puntos débiles en cualquier periódico es aquel que te ofrezca una excesiva publicidad la cual te mantiene en espera y puedes acabar finalmente cerrando la pág.
3º Mejoras en la publicidad de las páginas
Para mejorar la publicidad podemos comenzar con que aparezca toda la publicidad en el pie de página y no entre medias, a la derecha, izquierda…, aunque también podemos colocarla al comienzo.y tambien se podria poner al comienzo una oublicidad que intrigue al lector y llame la atención como por ejemplo poner la última noticia ocurrida en el último momento.
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