Discuss the following strategy: in order to increase the time our customers are spending in our stores, we’ll change monthly one section from one place to another.
Este blog está dedicado a los alumnos de Gestión Comercial y Márketing del Ciclo Superior de Administración y Finanzas del IES Acci de Guadix
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Written by Rosa Blánquez Bujaldón and Laura Cañadas Muñoz.
When one person is going to the same store, he doesn´t look what things there are there, he addresses what at it is that he wants.
We believe that to change monthly one section from one place to another could help to attract the attention of people.
As our customers would be changed, and on the other hand we would buy others things which we don´t need. We consider a good strategy.
We think that they change a product to and from to call the attention of the client.
when the customer is going to buy and know where the proceeds go directly to the but looking at other product and besides we can get to purchase this product that does not want to buy.
and so at the same time the company gets a greater return for they sales.
Written by : Ana Ortiz, Beatriz Izquierdo y Ana Navarro.
Discuss the following strategy: in order to increase the time our customers are spending in our stores, we’ll change monthly one section from one place to another.
The strategy to follow by the supermarket are good and it are more study and by suponer each one of them have a strategy although to they don´t like.
The supermarket know thr products than the people buy. The supermarket make than the parchase are more in something.
The products than the people don´t buy , the supermarket put it near to the cash box for the people see the product and they to buy. The products more or minus sell to are stamp in llamative colours for the people to buy.
The customer can to confuse one product whit other because it are chage to the sitting and they take the products than they don´t want. The customer whit the change they can bore and they doný go more to the supermarket.
Written by Cristina López and Juani Almagro.
This is a good strategy. The case of the bread, for example, which is a necessary foodstuff every day. Therefore when the store decides to put this section in another place, the customers will look at other products which are near of this section. In this way, is probably that the consumers increase the time in the supermarket and this one will buy something more that the bread.
The distribution of the sections are strategies of marketing consisting of organically consumer one way or otra.Occasionally the butchers and buy fish are usually located at the end of the shopping precinct as in the case of the purchase of fish has to and must be met by selling fresh offense suggests purchasing this directly and not packaged together to pushing products which is usually situated at the end of the area in this way the consumer this "forced" to see the entire area so that it buy.Othrwise of marketing is to attract consumers at the entrance to the center so that at first glance is often put everything but call attention such as beauty products or to contact one of the perfurm.
Althoug best strategy is to present those products season with a collection box to encourage their purchase such as Christmas presents that many varieties of bombon.Another strategy could be the selection of the best products to the right of the entrance and normally that consumers, mostly skilled, often turn to the right is not known when the area to the left and put those other products of less quality.
The strategy of supermarkets is the correct way of distributing its sections in a manner that place well their strengths and those who have not so good, so for instance if a supermarket has a carnage that is a jewel if you want to take advantage of the will at the end of the shop because the people to buy your product have to cross different sections of the store in which insurance they buy something and so increase their income as well as in the article by putting cash registers as a low cost gum ... That while waiting in the queue at the end grabs something.
By: Mª Jose Bujaldón Martínez
task number:4
We are accustomed to going where the product is directly and do not concentrate on the other articles. Because of it this one exchange strategy to the personnel to go only towards that one that knows where it is located and to stop the other to pass unnoticed articles. For it automatic would have to fix in the other secciones.so will meet products for that previously he was not looking before.
The great supermarkets change a section monthly to another place because they quiren to call the attention of the client. It is not just like the client must cross the supermarket to make his different purchases that the client knows to go directly to the sections where are the products. So that this does not happen the supermarkets change one every month or several sections so that the client crosses the premises in search of the products that wish to buy and when happening through the different sections it buys some product that he thought tapeworm not to acquire, and therefore, the client has more expenses. If this strategy were not made the client it knows where they are the products that it wishes to acquire and goes more quickly and the client does not spend time in making his purchases nor makes expenses either inncesarios. For example, the sections of electronics, food or droguería change almost every month. Also he is frequent which the products that there are next to the boxes of exit change as it can be the batteries, caramels, chicles, burners, etc, products that do that the client of account of them is wanted to consume them immediately
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