We can define the consumer behaviour process like the activities whole that a person or organitation does since the problem admision till the product or service purchase and its use.
Consumers are under the influence of the four "P" marketing mix variables that our enterprise can use: Product development, Pricing, Placement and Promotion. But he is envolved in a political, economic, sociocultural, familiar and random environment; all those are external variables. But he´s got some internal variables too, like motivation, percepcion, experience, personality and attitudes. All variables, internal and external, have a huge influence in the buying decision process: Problem admission, product searching, choice evaluation, purchase decission, use the product or service and postbuying evaluation.
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Publishing | Personal sales | Promotion sales | Public relations |
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| Problem admission Information search Evaluation of alternatives Product choice Outcomes | Political environment and laws Economic Sociocultural Tecnology Family Random factors |
In Marketing and Consumer Behaviour theory we study first the internal factor and after that the buying decision process. Then we´ll go to environment analysis, and we´ll end with the marketing mix variables