Collect some pictures of “classic” products that have high nostalgia value. Show these to consumers and allow them to make free associations. Analyse the types of memory that are evoked, and think about how these association might be employed in a product’s promotional strategy.
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WRITTEN BY: Rosa Belen Sánchez Cantón and Ana Garcia Requena
With nostalgia we always remember the childhood because of the product that we used when we were children for example the milk Puleva always we drank the milk Puleva because it reminds us of our childhood. The milk Puleva is well known in all Spain but to produce more nostalgia they should make the classical bottles that remind us of our childhood and is very interesting for the people that hadn´t seen these products. Colacao is very interesting because has made several products colacao classical, colacao turbo, colacao fiber etc
Colacao has gotten several products with the same brands but different products and the more important is the same song( Yo soy aquel negrito……….)
The “classic” products that have high nostalgia value are: deodorant “Tulipán Negro”, tunny “Isabel” and chocolate “Doria”.
The product´s promotional strategy would be:
Deodorant “Tulipán Negro”
We associate “Tulipán Negro” with high quality when we remember this product.
One way to recover this brand like before could be changing its name. For example “Tulipán etiqueta negra”.
Too, it could make another variety of deodorant something like for sensible skin, with aloe vera…
At the last is the price would be high because there is a product with quality.
Tunny “Isabel”
Long ago the tuna “Isabel” was the number one in the market but now this one is “Calvo”.
One strategy to return to be leader brand again is to make old the tin can (las latas antigüas).
To use another name for this product like “Isabel clásico” is another product´s promotional strategy.
And the price will be very high.
Chocololate “Doria”
The chocolate “Doria” was very familiar and it was a typical gift in the village for the women which bore a child.
At present the leader branches are Nestlé or Milka.
One way to recover this brand like before would be to make a new chocolate: with hazelnut or biscuit… and to use a different name likes “Doria tradicional desde 1950”, for example.
The price would be high, too.
Caco Lat: batidos de toda la vida y muy vendido, hoy en día podrian tener más demanda si fuera acompañada de un nuevo producto, como Caco Lat fibra ,con recipientes de cristál que recuerden tiempos pasados.
Puleva; Se asocia con la infancia porque todo el mundo la recuerda y precisamente de cuando eramos niños ya que sus anuncios o envases estan orientados a la infancia por sus dibujos e animaciones,mas bien se recuerdan en andalucía . Para volver a revenderlo ahora utilizariamos una línea de envasado de leche ecológica con envasado de cristál.
Danone; Se trata de una marca bastante conocida, precisamente, por llevar muchos años en el mercado, lo que implica la confianza. Usa envases diferentes y variedad de productos, es más este producto utiliza en la actualidad la nostalgia con un yogur de envase de cristal como antiguamente .Para volver a lanzarlo al mercado usariamos más variedad de productos lácteos incluyendo cucharas (como los zumos las pagitas) e incluso nos atreveriamos a elaborar quesos Danone, pero siempre utilizando el mismo envase.
Lee: marca de vaqueros tejanos, aunque ha ido decallendo y, por tanto, para conseguir su fama de nuevo utilizariamos diversos modelos y diseños diferentes, y no sólo pantalones vaqueros, sino también chándal.
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